OpenAPI Tips
Tags Best Practices in OpenAPI

Nolan Sullivan
November 22, 2023

Announcing: OpenAPI Reference
Hi! These blog posts have been popular, so we’ve built an entire OpenAPI Reference Guide to answer any question you have.
It includes detailed information on tags.
Happy Spec Writing!
This article explains how to use tags in OpenAPI (opens in a new tab).
Tags are the way to organize your API endpoints into groups to make them easier for users to understand.
Every separate feature in your API that a customer can call is named an endpoint.
An endpoint is an operation (an HTTP method like GET or POST) applied to a path (for example, /users
Below is an example endpoint in an OpenAPI schema. The path is play
, and the operation is a POST.
paths:/play:post:description: Choose your jazz style.operationId: band#play
In informal conversation, people often refer to API endpoints and operations as if the terms are interchangeable.
Paths are the natural way to categorize your endpoints. You might have separate paths in your API for products, purchases, or accounts. However, paths are hierarchical. Each endpoint can be in only one path. This may make it difficult for users of your API to browse to the feature they are looking for if they assume it’s under a different path.
By contrast, each endpoint may have multiple tags, so may be shown in multiple groups in your schema documentation.
Example Schema
To demonstrate using tags, let’s make a simple schema for a jazz club API with just three paths:
— plays music./stop
— stops music./order
— orders a drink.
API Information
Start with some basic information about your API.
Simple Tag
Add the tags
root-level object with a tag for drink operations.
Only the tag name
is mandatory.
Detailed Tag
Add another tag with more detail. The Music tag has a description
string and an externalDocs
object with two required fields: description
and url
The URL points to information anywhere on the web that you want to use to describe the endpoint. Use externalDocs
if you don’t want to overcrowd your schema with unnecessary detail or if another department in your company maintains the documentation separately.
Now that we have tag definitions, we can tag our endpoints.
Here the /play
and /stop
endpoints are tagged with Music
, and the /order
endpoint is tagged with Drinks
We could also make another tag called Front of house
and apply it to both endpoints to organize them separately to Backstage
openapi: 3.0.3info:title: The Speakeasy Clubdescription: A club that serves drinks and plays jazz.version: 1.0.0servers: []
The Full Schema Example
Below is the full example schema with components
added to specify how to call the endpoints.
Paste the code into the Swagger editor (opens in a new tab) to see it displayed as a formatted document. Note that operations in the Swagger output are grouped by tag
openapi: 3.0.3info:title: The Speakeasy Clubdescription: A club that serves drinks and plays jazz.version: 1.0.0servers: []tags:- name: Drinks- name: Musicdescription: A band that plays jazz.externalDocs:description: List of jazz genresurl: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_jazz_genrespaths:/play:post:tags:- Musicsummary: Play musicdescription: Choose your jazz style.operationId: band#playrequestBody:required: truecontent:application/json:schema:$ref: "#/components/schemas/PlayRequestBody"example:style: Bebopresponses:"204":description: No Content response./stop:post:tags:- Musicsummary: Stop musicdescription: Stop playing.operationId: band#stopresponses:"204":description: No Content response./order:post:tags:- Drinkssummary: Order teadescription: Order a cup of tea.operationId: order#tearequestBody:required: truecontent:application/json:schema:$ref: "#/components/schemas/TeaRequestBody"example:includeMilk: falseresponses:"204":description: No Content response.components:schemas:PlayRequestBody:type: objectproperties:style:type: stringdescription: Style of music to playexample: Bebopenum:- Bebop- Swingexample:style: Beboprequired:- styleTeaRequestBody:type: objectproperties:includeMilk:type: booleandescription: Whether to have milk.example: trueexample:includeMilk: false
Below is what it looks like in the editor.
Tags in Speakeasy
Speakeasy will split the SDKs and documentation it generates based on your tags.
You can add the x-speakeasy-group field to an endpoint to tell Speakeasy to ignore the endpoint’s tag and group it under the custom group instead.
That’s everything you need to know about tags in OpenAPI.
There are just three more tag rules you might want to know:
- Tags are optional, both at the root level and on endpoints.
- Tags must have unique names in your schema.
- The tag
may use CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab).