Enterprise ready
npm install your-api. Done.
Upload your OpenAPI/Swagger spec to create a Typescript SDK that supports your users—whatever their runtime
Experience the unparalleled capabilities of Universal TypeScript. Unlock all the features you'd meticulously handwrite in an SDK, effortlessly crafted by Speakeasy's platform in just minutes.
Embark on a journey tailored for TypeScript developers. Unleash the full potential of modern TypeScript with a platform meticulously crafted for your coding needs.
npm install your-api. Done.
Always get a working SDK, no matter the complexity of your API
Built on fetch and Zod. Powerful but thin
Type safety with no compromises. From IDE to runtime. Docs built into every SDK
Automatically updated, versioned and published to package managers
Support for Server Sent Events, File Streaming, Oauth, Retries & Pagination and more
Speakeasy is crafting great experiences for developers, paving the way for success stories, empowering businesses, and fueling growth across various domains.
Building a platform for your API? @speakeasydev has you covered
A great developer experience feels surprising; others would say magic. But the work that goes into building great developer experiences is far from magic. As with any design process, building developer experiences means craftsmanship and hard work.
Finally tried for generating SDKs from OpenAPI specs for pretty ergonomic, with high quality Python and TypeScript SDKs!
Speakeasy has built a platform that makes it possible for us to create SDKs that make integrating with our API easy