API Design
Versioning & evolution

Versioning & Evolution

Once an API has been designed, built, deployed, and integrated with by various consumers, changing the API can be very difficult.

Additive Changes: Adding new endpoints, adding new properties to a response, or introducing optional parameters are non-breaking changes, and can typically be done without significant issues.

Breaking Changes: Removing or renaming endpoints, removing required fields, or changing response structures are considered breaking changes. These have the potential to disrupt existing client applications, resulting in errors and loss of functionality. Clients, especially paying customers, may face the expense and time-consuming task of adapting their code to accommodate these changes.

For effective management of changes, developers must navigate versioning and evolution of APIs carefully, ensuring that client integrations are not negatively impacted. Let’s explore these challenges in more detail.

When are API changes an issue

Some APIs are built purely to service a single application. This might be a backend for a web application, handled by a single full-stack developer or team that manages both the frontend and the API. In this case, changes aren’t as problematic because both the frontend and backend can be updated simultaneously, ensuring that there’s no risk of breaking integration.

In most cases APIs are consumed by multiple clients, ranging from other teams within the same organization to external customers. This introduces complexities:

  • Internal Clients: Even when the consumers are within the same organization, changes may require coordination, especially if the API is used by different teams working on separate services. The timing of updates and changes can cause delays or disruptions.

  • External Clients: If the API is being used by third-party clients, particularly paying customers, changes can become even more difficult. External clients may resist updates due to the effort and risk involved in modifying their integrations. A major change could result in lost business, dissatisfaction, or churn.

When API consumers are not in sync with the development team, managing versioning becomes essential to ensure smooth transitions.

Why APIs need to change

Has anyone ever released any software then thought: “That’s perfect, no change needed”?

Probably not. APIs evolve over time like any other software, whether it’s due to changing business requirements, feedback from users, or the need to adopt new technologies. APIs are rarely “perfect” and immutable.

Just like software versioning, APIs also require a versioning system to accommodate changes. Developers use version numbers to signify changes in the API contract, allowing consumers to choose which version of the API they wish to use. This ensures backward compatibility for existing clients while introducing improvements and fixes in newer versions.

With most software users can have any version running, with multiple versions of the software running on various users computers at once. Common conventions, including Semantic Versioning (opens in a new tab), use three numbers: major, minor, and patch, so some users might be running 1.0.0 whilst others run 1.0.2 and eventually some may be on 2.1.3.

Breaking changes might look like:

  • A change to the endpoint structure.
  • Adding a new required field.
  • Removing a field from a response.
  • Changing the behavior of an endpoint.
  • Changing validation rules.
  • Modifying the response format (e.g.: implementing a standard data format like JSON:API).

If any of this is done, a new API version may be required to avoid breaking existing clients.

Versioning an API

API versioning involves assigning a version number or identifier to the API, essentially creating multiple different APIs which are segmented in some clear way so that the consumer can specify which version of the API they wish to interact with.

There are countless ways people have tried to solve this problem over time, but the two main approaches are:

URL versioning

URL versioning is one of the most common approaches. It involves including a version number in the URL, segmenting the API. Typically, only a major version is used, as seen in this example:

GET https://example.com/api/v1/users/123
"id": 123,
"first_name": "Dwayne",
"last_name": "Johnson"

In this example, v1 refers to the version of the API, and its whatever the resource was designed at first.

As the API grows a new version is introduced to accommodate changes separate from the first version.

GET https://example.com/api/v2/users/3a717485-b81b-411c-8322-426a7a5ef5e6
"id": 123,
"full_name": "Dwayne Johnson",
"preferred_name": "The Rock"

Here, the v2 endpoint introduces a few notable changes: they phased out auto-incrementing IDs as per the security advice, ditched the fallacy of people having two names (opens in a new tab), and helped people put in a preferred name to show publicly instead of forcing everyone to publicize their legal name. Great, but this is a big change.

If this change was deployed on the /v1 version it would have broken most clients usage, they would see 404 errors using the old IDs, and the fields have changed so validation failures would occur.

As this is being run simultaneously under /v2, both can be used at once. This allows clients to migrate at their own pace, and for the API to be updated without breaking existing clients.

Media-type versioning

Instead of embedding the version number in the URL, media type versioning places the versioning information in the HTTP Accept header. This allows for more flexible management of the API contract without altering the URL structure.

GET https://example.com/api/users/123
Accept: application/vnd.acme.v2+json
"id": 123,
"full_name": "Dwayne Johnson",
"preferred_name": "The Rock"

In this case, the client specifies the version they want by including the Accept header with the version identifier (e.g.: application/vnd.acme.v2+json). The advantage is that the API URL remains clean, and the versioning is managed through the HTTP headers.

This approach is less common than URL versioning, and has a few downsides. It’s a bit more complex to implement, and it’s not as easy to see which version of the API using.

API evolution as an alternative

While versioning is a popular solution to API changes, API evolution is an alternative focuses on maintaining backward compatibility and minimizing breaking changes. Instead of introducing entirely new versions, API developers evolve the existing API to accommodate new requirements, but do so in a way that doesn’t disrupt clients.

API evolution is the concept of striving to maintain the “I” in API, the request/response body, query parameters, general functionality, etc., only breaking them when absolutely necessary. It’s the idea that API developers bend over backwards to maintain a contract, no matter how annoying that might be. It’s often more financially and logistically viable for the API developers to bear this load than dumping the workload onto a wide array of consumers.

API evolution in practice

To work on a realistic example, here’s a simple change that could come up:

The property name exists, and that needs to be split into first_name and last_name to support Stripe’s name requirements.

A minor example, but removing name and making all consumers need to change all code to use the two new fields would be a breaking change. There are ways to retain backwards compatibility.

Most web application frameworks commonly used to build APIs have a feature like “serializers”, where database models are turned into JSON objects to be returned, with all sensitive fields removed and any relevant tweaks or structure added.

The database might have changed to use first_name and last_name, but the API does not need to remove the name property. It can be replaced with a “dynamic property” which joins the first and last names together and returns it in the JSON.

class UserSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
attributes :name, :first_name, :last_name
"#{object.first_name} #{object.last_name}"
GET https://api.example.com/users/123
"id": 123,
"name": "Dwayne Johnson",
"first_name": "Dwayne",
"last_name": "Johnson"

When a POST or PATCH is sent to the API, the API does not need to think about a version number to notice that name is being sent. IF name is sent it can be split, and if first_name and last_name are sent it can handle as expected.

class User < ApplicationRecord
def name=(name)
self.first_name, self.last_name = name.split(' ', 2)

A lot of changes can be handled with new properties, and supporting old properties indefinitely, but at a certain point that becomes cumbersome enough to need a bigger change.

When an endpoint is starting to feel a bit clunky and overloaded, or fundamental relationships change, an API rewrite can be avoided by evolving the API with new resources, collections, and relationships.

Changing the domain model

In the case of Protect Earth’s (opens in a new tab), a reforestation and rewilding charity, the Tree Tracker API needed some fundamental change. It used to focus on tracking trees that were planted, recording a photo and coordinates, and other metadata to allow for sponsoring and funding tree planting.

There’s a /trees resource, and /orders has a plantedTrees property, but the charity expanded beyond trees to sowing wildflower meadows, rewetting peat bogs, and clearing invasive species. Instead around adding /peat, and /meadows resources, the API became more generic with a /units collection.

Removing /trees or plantedTrees would break customers, and that would stem the flow of funding. API evolution focuses on adding new functionality without breaking existing clients, so instead of removing the /trees endpoint, the API now supports both /units and /trees, with the /trees resource simply filtering the /units based on the type field:

GET https://api.protect.earth/trees
"id": 123,
"species": "Oak",
"location": {
"latitude": 42.0399,
"longitude": -71.0589
GET https://api.protect.earth/units
"id": 123,
"type": "tree",
"species": "Oak",
"location": {
"latitude": 42.0399,
"longitude": -71.0589

This allows existing developers to continue using the /trees endpoint while new developers can use the /units endpoint. The API evolves to support new functionality without breaking existing clients.

What about the /orders having plantedTrees on them? Removing this property would be a breaking change, so a backwards compatible solution is needed, and with API evolution there are countless options.

It’s possible to add both an old and a new property, allowing clients to migrate at their own pace. This can be done by adding a new allocatedUnits property to the /orders resource, while keeping the old plantedTrees property:

GET https://api.protect.earth/orders/abc123
"id": "abc123",
"organization": "Protect Earth",
"orderDate": "2025-01-21",
"status": "fulfilled",
"plantedTrees": [
"id": 456,
"species": "Oak",
"location": {
"latitude": 42.0399,
"longitude": -71.0589
"allocatedUnits": [
"id": 456,
"type": "tree",
"species": "Oak",
"location": {
"latitude": 42.0399,
"longitude": -71.0589

However, for orders with 20,000 trees this means there will be 40,000 items across those two sub-arrays with both of them being identical. This is a bit of a waste, but really this is helping to highlight an existing design flaw. Why are these sub arrays not paginated, and why are units being embedded inside orders?

They are different resources, and its far easier to treat them as such. API evolution gives us a chance to fix this.

There is already an /units endpoint, let’s use that.

GET https://api.protect.earth/orders/abc123
"id": "abc123",
"organization": "Protect Earth",
"orderDate": "2025-01-21",
"status": "fulfilled",
"unitType": "peat",
"links": {
"units": "https://api.protect.earth/units?order=abc123"

That way, the order resource is just about the order, and the units are about the units. This is a more RESTful design, and it’s a better way to handle the relationship between orders and units.

Where did “plantedTrees” go? It’s moved behind a switch. It will only show up on orders for trees, and all other unit types can be found on the units link which benefits from full pagination.

Deprecating endpoints

All this flexibility comes with a tradeoff, it’s more work to maintain two endpoints, because there may be performance tweaks and bug reports that need to be applied to both. It’s also more work to document and test both endpoints, so it can be a good idea to keep an eye on which endpoints are being used and which aren’t, and remove the old ones when they’re no longer needed.

Old endpoints can be deprecated using the Sunset header.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Sunset: Tue, 1 Jul 2025 23:59:59 GMT

Adding a Sunset header to /trees will communicate to API consumers that the endpoint will be removed, and if it’s done with sufficient warning and with a clear migration path, it can lead to a smooth transition for clients.

Further details can be provided in the form of a URL in a Link header and the rel="sunset" attribute.

HTTP/2 200 OK
Sunset: Tue, 1 Jul 2025 23:59:59 GMT
Link: <https://example.org/blog/migrating-to-units>; rel="sunset"

This could be a link to a blog post or an upgrade guide in documentation.

Deprecating properties

Deprecating properties is a little more difficult, and generally best avoided whenever possible. It’s not possible to use Sunset to communicate a property going away as it only applies to endpoints, but OpenAPI can help.

OpenAPI v3.1 added the deprecate keyword, to allow API descriptions to communicate deprecations as an API evolves.

type: object
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Tree'
deprecate: true
description: >
An array of trees that have been planted, only on tree orders.
*Deprecated:* use the units link relationship instead.

This will show up in the documentation, and can be used by SDKs to warn developers that they’re using a deprecated property.

Removing the plantedTrees property from the API entirely could be done, but it’s a breaking change, and it’s best to avoid breaking changes whenever possible.

A better option is to stop putting the plantedTrees property into new orders starting on the deprecated date, and leave it on older orders.

Another change being added to the API is the concept of orders expiring, because companies should have got their data out of the API within six months, otherwise the information is archived to reduce wasting emissions as database expands. If plantedTrees is not added to new orders, and eventually orders archive, then eventually it will be gone completely and can be removed from code.

API design-first reduces change later

Some APIs have kept their v1 API going for over a decade, which suggests they probably didn’t need API versioning in the first place.

Some APIs are on v14, because the API developers didn’t reach out to any stakeholders to ask what they needed out of an API and just wrote loads of code, rushing to rewrite it every time a new consumer came along with slightly different needs instead of finding a solution that worked for everyone.

Doing more planning, research, upfront API design, and prototyping can cut out the need for the first few versions, as many of those come from not getting enough user/market research done early on. This is common in startups that are moving fast and breaking things, but it can happen in any size business.


When it comes to deciding between versioning and evolution, consider how many consumers will need to upgrade, and how long that work is likely to take. If it’s two days of work, and there are 10 customers, then that’s 160 person-hours. With 1,000 customers, that’s 16,000 person-hours.

At a certain point it becomes unconscionable to ask paying customers to all do that much work, and it’s better to see if it could be handled with a new resource, new properties, or other backwards compatible changes which can slowly phase out their older forms over time, even if its a bit more work.